
It is a myth that you cannot effectively lose weight without exercise. If it were true, then people who truly cannot exercise due to health reasons would be doomed to be overweight forever. The truth is that some people FIRST have to lose some (or a lot) of weight before they can safely exercise. If you need to lose weight without exercise, then this article is exactly what you need.

First, it is important to realize that exercise does have many benefits and can make weight loss a lot easier. At the same time though, exercise cannot override a bad diet. A good nutrition plan, however, will let you drop significant amounts of fat whether you exercise or not. And if you already exercise and are not seeing results, then you need such a nutrition plan because the combination of the two will have you losing fat faster than ever.

So remember, your aim should be to get into an exercise program once you're ready. Don't just jump straight in if you're very overweight and very unfit. Adding exercise that is too intense can make that combination deadly. Literally.

To lose weight without exercise, you have to eat less calories than you burn. That's just physics. If anyone tells you that you don't, then they're either lying to you or are just ignorant. However, you must not cut calories too drastically. 400 calorie days are just silly and counterproductive! Eating too little can cause your body to go into starvation mode, where its main goal becomes to store fat. Your metabolism will also eventually slow down so much that your weight loss stops.

How many calories to lose weight? I recommend cutting calories to 1000 calories for men and 800 calories for women. But that's just a tiny piece of the puzzle. And cutting calories must be managed or things go wrong quickly...

You need to ensure that you eat a lot of lean protein. Protein keeps your metabolism running fast, prevents your body from burning lean tissue for energy, and even helps to control your appetite. If you don't like eating protein, then at least drink it in the form of whey or vegetable protein shakes. Skip this one and you're setting yourself up to becoming skinny fat, where you're lighter but FATTER (percentage-wise)!

Another important weapon is fiber. When you eat foods that are high in fiber and low in calories, then you can eat a lot of volume. For example, you can eat a LOT of broccoli and still get very few calories. That volume helps to keep you from becoming so hungry that your weight loss plan becomes unbearable. Another bonus is that when your stomach is filled, your body does not realize how harsh your calorie restriction really is, and does not turn on the starvation signals so quickly.

The next weapon is fish oil and flaxseed oil - excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Supplementing with these is very important when you're on a low calorie diet, since they signal your body to release fat for burning and even boost your metabolism. Just supplementing with these can make your body respond to food as it would if you actually were exercising (i.e. feed muscle and starve the fat). A major bonus.

The final and possibly the most important weapon is to once in a while have a day where you eat a lot more calories than when you're dieting. This boosts your metabolism in a big way, and is very important when you're trying to lose weight without exercise. Exercise helps keeps your metabolism healthy. Just don't binge on junk food. Junk, empty calories will get stored as fat and just ruin the progress you made the days before. Really go to town with the lean protein on these 'off' days and you will really accelerate your fat loss.

Use these guidelines and you will quickly lose weight even without exercise. Just remember that they're all part of the same puzzle, and skipping any one of them could ruin your weight loss plans for a long time.

Now that you know that it IS possible to lose weight with just a smart diet.


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