
Too many people have the thinking that all fats are bad. And if you want to burn fat then you should avoid fats all together. There are some good fats and there are some bad fats. If you consume the wrong fats then you increase your blood cholesterol, clog your arteries, increase fat storage and wreak total havoc in your body. But if you consume good fats then you will increase your energy, increase fat burning, increase muscle-building hormones, increase your strength, improve insulin function, improve your skin texture and strengthen your joints. So how much good fats is necessary to consume?

Eating small quantities of good fats is essential for fat loss and if you avoid fats all together than losing fat will be less effective. There are 9 calories in a gram of fat. If your dietary fat is reduced to below 10% of your daily calories then this can trigger the starvation alarm. Fat slows down the the release of carbohydrates into the bloodstream. Which means that without good fats your blood sugar spikes rapidly. when your blood sugar spikes your body releases more insulin and too much insulin cause fat storage. Little to no fat diet should be avoided.

The weight loss and diet industry is very diverse and there are zero fat diets but also very high fat diets. They insist that a very high fat diet (40-70% of your calories) is the ultimate method of losing fat. There are a lot of people who are willing to try this kind of a method, just because it sounds so radically different.

Although you can stay healthy consuming about 60% of fat. Eskimos eat a lot of fat, but the fat they have is from from fish, whale blubber and other unprocessed fats. The foods we have in our modern culture is full of processed fatty meats, hydrogenated oils, baked goods, fried foods, supermarket oils and other highly processed fats. And as I said before 1 gram of fat is 9 calories. If you eat only 100 grams of fat, even if it is good fats, then that would be 900 calories. But to lose fat you need a calorie deficit. High fat diets not effective as well.

So the healthy amount of fat should be somewhere in the middle of very low fat and high fat. Many experts and bodybuilders agree that should limit your total daily fat intake to about 20% of your daily calories and not less than 15% of total daily calories. That is good fats not bad fats.


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